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Silver Alert, Part Three

Manuscript Edition of John Keats' "When I have fears..."

When I have fears that I may cease to stink,
Before my friends have breathed my steaming loins,
John KeatsBefore sty-vile fumes in couch cushions sink
From out rich corners of my full-ripen'd groin;
When I behold, upon a mate's sour'd face
Huge howling ripples of a great disgust
And feel that I may somehow never lace
Their nostrils, with a fully grody must;
And then my reek, fair creature lost to shower!
That I shall never sniff upon thee more,
Never have relish in the foetid power
Of unrelenting stench;--then at the roar
Of my roiling bath I slip within, and clean,
Till germs and yeasts down fouling drains do stream.

The Catch-22 is that you don't qualify if you actually manage to file the form correctly.

Oh Thank Heaven for 7-11

7-11 is a critical staple in the relationship between the Islamic orient and the Puritan west. This strip examines that nexus, through a delicate balance of poop-jokes, marginal nutrition humor, and simpering racist innuendos. You know what to expect by now.

7-11 arabs

Proshred Security

Concerning corporate logos and the reason of commerce:

proshred security and soccer ball malformation

Have You Heard the "Good News"?

Bombing middle eastern countries is cool saith me.

saint barack obama

The Bus Stop

Exploits, or exploitation?  One man's view of the bus stop music box old lady heist from last weekend that left one police officer confused and still hungry for the most part.  More at 11!

dangerous bus stop

A Day at the Pool

What is the greatest risk of pools besides drain death and E. Coli bacteria in pools? Metaphysical reductionism, pretentious ennui, and sociopathy. This is a true story.

e coli in pool