
Introductions, Some More

So what's the deal with Pilant's hair situation?  Is this an accident, or a decision?

I know what you're thinking: most people have hair on their heads, and NOT on their face - this guy must be into all kind of things most people aren't...

Has he killed a man for science or for gangs?  Does he have two motorcycles that run Linux?  Has he come from an unspecific futurity in which he manipulates space polymers with his Geist...and is this for the best?

Or is this the next step in pilatory evolution?

At this point, women's beards are allocated to keeping this tremendous wolf from devouring the one guy who remembers the way to paradise (

Well, I haven't yet worked up the courage to ask, but I'll keep you posted.


  1. I think I'm going to have to take that picture of the RC Cola with "Why?" written underneath. It speaks for itself, really. No context necessary.

  2. Why? Do they not let you have pictures of Coca-Cola or even Pepsi in Mongolia?
